
Ding Dong the bells are gonna chime . . .

Get me to the church . . . get me to the church . . . get me to the church on time!!! One of the drama troop members at NSGA got married over the weekend! I was invited to the wedding reception and it was great fun. I had no idea I was going until the last minute when I was invited so unfortunately I was not dressed properly for a wedding reception. I looked like John Belushi in Animal House because I had been working all day! But no one seemed to mind and luckily no one passed out from standing next to me. The wedding reception was held outside because lets face it why wouldn't you have an outdoor party when the weather is great? There was plenty of music and dancing. Don't worry there are several photos of me out on the dance floor to prove to the world what a horrible dancer I am. At least I tried and everyone got a kick out of seeing me dance with the band! There was a live band for the first half of the reception and they were awesome. The drummer was using drum heads that were cracked and his symbols looked like some dog had been nawing at them but somehow he made it work. I wonder who the first wedding singer ever was? Is Neil Diamond a descendant from this person? Is that were he learned to dress? How come in the Bible during the wedding feast at Canan there is no mention of the wedding singer? I guess Elvis Costello was right " Writing about music is like dancing about architecture, it's a really stupid thing to want to do." African women love to get dressed up and they change their hair styles more often then Donald Trump changes suits. Sometimes I can't even recognize a woman I know because her hair has changed so drastically. There were many beautiful dresses at the wedding reception with very elaborate patterns on them. The food at the wedding reception was just as good as the music. Nothing compares to good old fashioned barbecued chicken. You can't go wrong with that! Before I left I congratulated the newly married couple and wished them the best. I also slipped a little something in the hand of the groom as a small gift! No it wasn't a PEZ dispenser!!! Good old fashioned cash. Something any newly married couple anywhere in the world can use! Ciao

O Canada . . .

I spent most of last week working with the new Canadian volunteers who arrived. I went around town with them and tried to answer as many questions as possible. It's amazing that just nine weeks ago I was asking the exact same questions as them. Now it's my turn to be the one trying to answer all the questions. They are a very fun group and I'm sad that I only got to spend a week and a half with them. It would have been great fun to get to know them better but so it goes. The Canadian volunteers went through a quick one week orientation before they started teaching in the summer schools. The summer school program at NSGA runs five weeks and educates students from around the country on health issues ranging from STI's to Diabetes. Glad I don't have to teach either of those subjects! I'm still working on the data for the Bed Net Dipping Campaign and I believe it may take a miracle to finish the work before I leave. I'm glad that I continue to be busy at work because I would hate to spend my last days here just sitting around doing nothing. If there is work that needs to be done I'm your man. It will be tough to say goodbye to all the friends I have made and I'm not sure how I will find time to say goodbye to everyone but I will do my best! Now that my time is up everyone wants me to come over to their house for dinner. I wonder if I could manage four dinners in four different places in one night? I know I could eat four dinners that's the easy part! Ciao