AU Summit
The African Union Summit is in full swing here in The Gambia and that means two things for me. First traveling anywhere will be a nightmare because they are closing the few paved road's we have for the traveling presidents. Second I will be on Holiday until Tuesday! President Jammeh has declared a national holiday for all Gambians until Tuesday. This ensures that I will have plenty of time to watch the World Cup without work getting in the way. I think it's great for The Gambia to host the AU Summit but at what cost? The Gambia financed 98% of the summit on their own. A fact the president here is very proud to share with anyone he sees. I think it's great that The Gambia is getting paved roads, street lights and extended electricity coverage because these things are fundamental for any developing nation. If you have no paved roads or electricity it makes it very difficult to conduct business. If you constantly have to use a generator to power your store or place of work that is just like having an added tax on top of your other taxes. This is why basic things like electricity and passable roads are crucial for development. If you cannot reach a community because there is no paved road how can you help them? I just hope The Gambians can recoup that 98% they shelled out to host the summit. My guess is they will not but as I mentioned paved roads and electricity are a step in the right direction. I think I will enjoy these next few days off by visiting the beach and the golf course. Yes I found a golf course out here in The Gambia and I couldn't be happier. Even though with the lack of rain most of the course is a sand trap! Ciao
First off, enjoy golf in the gambia, let us know if the sand traps out numbered the greens.
Second, what is the electricity situation? I have worked in the Dominican Republic, so I understand rolling black outs/scheduled elctricity, is it similar? or is there only electricty for certain hours ofthe day?
chris friel
7:40 AM
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